Tour and Store
Leisure & Business Storage in The Lake District
Keswick & Northern Lakes - Penrith & Eden Valley - Ullswater - Wigton - Grasmere and Central Lakes
Tour and Store - Business and Leisure Storage in the Northern Lake District
High Security Location
Flexible terms, no fixed contract. Accessible, secure and comfortable
Tour and Store - Business and Leisure Storage in the Northern Lake District
Boats - Tents - Kayaks - Fishing Equipment - Bikes - Quad Bikes - Hiking - Golf Equipment - Car and Motorbike Equipment - Household Furniture - Exhibition Equipment - Small Business Stock and Equipment - Moving House - Extra House Storage - Trailers
Many sizes available to suit your needs: standard 20' x 8'; 10' x 8'; 8' x 7'; 6' x x 6'. Flexibilityy to up/down size as units come available.
Storage from just one month; or long term if required. Easy to move up or down storage unit sizes.
Mini to mega units for visitors and tourism support companies. Storage of equipment for regular Lakes visitors and support companies, small and large.
Safe and secure storage for individuals and business of all sizes. State of the art security, easy access 365 days a year. Local to Penrith, Keswick, North and Central Lakes
Our prices are competitive and affordable. Prices include VAT, business rates - what you see is what you pay! No hidden extras.